The Silver Scarab

Profile image by Alex Garcia (Pen and inks) and David Stepp (Colors)
Personal information
Real Name: Hector Hall
Residence: Los Angeles
Occupation: Adventurer, College Student
First Appearance (Post-Golden Age): All-Star Squadron #25 (September 1983)
Character History
Hector Hall was born around 1960, the son of Carter and Shiera Saunders Hall, also known as Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Hector was an often sullen boy, resentful of his parents constant travel that deprived him of a normal childhood and their relationship with their godson Norda Cantrell, son of Fred Cantrell and Osoro of Feitheria was a constant source of irritation for Hector as Norda could take to the skies with the Halls, leaving Hector on the ground.
Hector took some solace in friendships with the children of other heroes such as Lyta Trevor, daughter of Wonder Woman and Al Rothstein, godson of the Atom. After graduating high school, Hector selected UCLA for college and by change, discovers that Lyta Trevor has done likewise. When a earthquake caused Lyta to reveal her powers, the two bond and soon are dating in a long-term relationship. When Lyta shares her desire to follow in her mother' footsteps, Hector reveals that he has also take some of his father's Nth metal and crafted a battle suit for himself. They two resolve to try to join the Justice Society and as they make their plans, Norda Cantrell and Al Rothstein decide to join them. Creating costumes and code-names for themselves - The Silver Scarab in Hector's case - the four barge into an end of the year meeting of the Justice Society and demand admission. All four are quickly rebuffed and storm out (Infinity Inc. #1-4).
As they leave, they and two late arrivals - Jade and Obsidian - are pulled into the past by the Ultra-Humanite to assist in his battle against the All-Star Squadron. After initial conflict, the Infinitors teamed-up with the Squadron to defeat the Ultra-Humanite and then returned to their own time (All-Star Squadron #25-26, Annual #2).
Upon their return, they were immediately pulled into a confrontation with the Ultra-Humanite in their own time. Using a psychotic-laced stream called Koehaha, the Humanite had managed to deaden the consciousness of some of the most powerful JSA members, include Hector's father Hawkman. After a brutal battle between Hector, Lyta and their parents, both teams are lured to Colorado for a final confrontation in which one of Ultra-Humanite's former collaborators, Brain Wave, sacrifices himself to prevent the death of the Infinitors, which include his son, Brain Wave Jr. (Infinity Inc #5-10).
In the years that followed, The Silver Scarab was a senior member and leader of Infinity Inc. He revealed his true identity at Infinity Inc.'s first press conference (Infinity Inc #12) after it was learned that the Ultra-Humanite had already leaked it to the press. His relationship with Lyta Trevor deepened and they became engaged, another piece of news shares at that event. The Silver Scarab was active member of Infinity Inc, as they faced the Thorn (Infinity Inc #13, Annual #2), Chroma (Infinity Inc #14-15 and Helix (Infinity Inc #16-18).As Earth-Two fell into the Crisis on Infinite Earths, The Silver Scarab and Infinity Inc defended their world until the curtain closed on Earth-Two and it was cut off from view for decades. A second window opened in the early 21st century in which the Silver Scarab is now a member of the Justice Society but his final fate on that world is unknown (Justice Society of America Annual #1).
Powers and Abilities
The Silver Scarab's power stemmed from an Nth metal battlesuit created from materials discovered by Carter (Hawkman) Hall in the 1940's. The suit augmented the Silver Scarab's strength and speed and allow a measure of protection from blunt force or projective injury. Much like Hawkman's wings, the suit provided the power of flight and jet propulsion built into it allowed the Scarab to fly at speeds faster than just by air currents. Offensive energy weapons were installed in the wrists, allowing him to project burst of heat and concussive force directed by his hands. The full limits of the suit are not defined.
Weaknesses and Limitations
Separated from the suit, Hector Hall was an ordinary mortal and could be killed or injured as such.

Prior Earth-0
In the timeline that emerged post-Crisis, the history of Hector Hall is thought to be largely similar to his Earth-Two Counterpart. Roughly one year after Crisis, Norda Cantrell learned of a prophecy from his grandsire Worla of Feitheria that Hector Hall had been cursed by Hath-Set and was destined to doom the world via the Eye of Ra (Infinity Inc #37). This propehcy was put in motion by Dr. Hastor, Hath-set resurrected as a woman, who seduced Hall and turned him into an inhuman Silver Scarab, leaving his human body dead. Hastor is eventually defeated by the remaining spirit of Hector Hall, who's love of Lyta Trevor and their new unborn son redeems him (Infinity Inc #42-44). His spirit travels on but is captured in the Dreaming by Brute and Glob and house in the body of the late Garrett (Sandman) Sanford. Hall becomes the new Sandman (Infinity Inc #49-50). He does not remain so long as the return of Morpheus ultimately sends him on to the land of the dead, seemingly for good (Sandman #12). Hall's son Daniel was then ordained the next Lord of the Dreaming (Sandman #22).

The Hall family, however, is eternally in a cycle of reincarnation and Hector was no different. His soul was eventually recovered by Kent Nelson and transferred to the infant son of Hank and Dawn Hall. When Mordru sought the artifacts of Fate as part of an attack on the Justice Society, the child was matured to adulthood and its body taken by Hector Hall as the new Doctor Fate (JSA #1-4). He retains this role for several yeas and is a stalwart member of the Justice Society through several crises. He is eventually reunited with Lyta Trevor but when Mordru attacks the JSA again, a final confrontation with Nabu leaves Hector and Lyta both near death. Their son Daniel emerges from the Dreaming and call the spirits of his parents to him, leaving their corpses on a frozen mountain top while their souls are set free (JSA #80).
Issue |
Comment |
Reprinted in |
First Appearance, vs the Ultra-Humanite and the Secret Society of Super-Villains |
Infinity Inc.: The Generations Saga |
With the All-Star Squadron, vs the Ultra-Humanite and the Secret Society of Super-Villains |
Infinity Inc.: The Generations Saga |
Cameo appearances |
America vs. the Justice Society TPB |
During Crisis on Infinite Earths |
Crisis on Infinite Earths HC, Crisis on Infinite Earths TPB, Absolute Crisis on Infinite Earths HC, Absolute Crisis on Infinite Earths HC |
Forms Infinity Inc |
Infinity Inc.: The Generations Saga |
Vs. the Ultra-Humanite and the JSA, identities revealed |
Vs. The Thorn |
The Best of DC #69 |
Vs. Chroma |
DC Through the ‘80’s: The Experiments |
During the Crisis on Infinite Earths |
Crisis on Infinite Earths Companion Deluxe Edition Vol. 2 |
Crisis on Infinite Earths Companion Deluxe Edition Vol. 2 |
Crisis on Infinite Earths Companion Deluxe Edition Vol. 2 |
Justice Society: Thy Kingdom Come #2 TPB, Justice Society Omnibus #3 |