Firebrand II

Personal information
Real Name: Danette Reilly
Residence: New York City, New York
Occupation: Volcanologist, adventurer
First Appearance (Post-Golden Age): Justice League of America #193 (August 1981)
Character History
Danette Reilly was the daughter of Ed "Emerald" Reilly, a noted New York steel magnate and the younger sister of Rod Reilly, who secretly operated in the 1940's as the hero Firebrand. Danette pursued her education in the geological sciences, specializing in volcanology, the study of volcanoes. This and the proximity her brother stationed at Pearl Harbor drew her to Hawaii to study volcanoes up close. When Degaton attempts to alter the course of history by changing events around the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, future members of the All-Star Squadron are drawn to investigate. The Shining Knight discovers Danette camped on a particular active volcano and when he opens a chasm it reveals a hidden cavern in which Degaton and his lackeys are esconced. Wotan and Solomon Grundy quickly subdue the pair and take them prisoner. As Degaton plots to extend the Japanese attack to the U.S. Mainland, Danette touches the Knight's sword, dissolving her mystical bonds and setting them both free. They head to the depths of the volcano where they find the subdued Justice Society but they are ambushed by Wotan and Professor Zodiak with Danette being blast by Wotan's eldritch energies before falling into molten lava. As Degaton's attempts to destroy the entire island to finish the JSA, their last minute liberation stops the eruption and rescues Danette from the lava. Degaton, defeated, slips back into the depths of time with no change in the timeline having been accomplished (Justice League of America #193, All-Star Squadron #1-3).
In the days that follow, Danette recovers in her brother's penthouse. There she discovers his secret life as the hero Firebrand. One evening, she creates a similar costume for herself and accidently ignites her curtains. She is bathed in flames but is unhurt and learns that through processes not understood, the combination of Wotan's magic and exposure to a volcanic environment have imbued her with power to control fire. She adopts her brother's codename as the second Firebrand and joins the All-Star Squadron as a team member when they set off to address Nazi activities in Mexico (All-Star Squadron #5).
Over the next year, Firebrand mastered her powers - including flame projection and flight - and became a regular member of the All-Star Squadron. A few months after her debut, the All-Star Squadron was again called into conflict with Degaton (Justice League of America #207-209, All-Star Squadron #14-15) but this event was wiped away with the timeline re-adjusted. In the Spring of 1942, the emergence of a new threat called Cyclotron commanded the All-Star Squadron's attention. It is learned that Cyclotron is in reality Terry Curtis, a scientist who aided Superman in the past (Action Comics #21) and who has previous affair with young Danette Reilly. Curtis had fallen under the Ultra-Humanite control and co-operated with the villain, including being given radioactive powers as Cyclotron, to protect his infant daughter who have been exposed to radiation. Cyclotron eventually turns against the Ultra-Humanite and sacrifices himself in an attempt to destroy him, leaving his daughter an orphan. Reilly resolves to foster the infant once she is released from clinical care for radiation exposure (All-Star Squadron #21-25).
Firebrand remained a member of the All-Star Squadron throughout 1942, participating in essentially every case. Her relationship with Sir Justin, the Shining Knight deepened and they two become lovers. When the Crisis on Infinite Earths arrived, Firebrand was among the first heroes recruited by Harbinger to participate. She defended her world until the timeline was close offed at the end of Crisis and Earth-Two lost from view.
The activities of Firebrand after 1942 are not well known. It is known that she eventually adopted Terri Curtis and raised her to become an official with NASA and eventual mother of Al Rothstein, the hero Nuklon who joins Infinity Inc. Her final fate on Earth-Two remains unrevealed.
Powers and Abilities
Firebrand, due to a combination of magical energy and volcanic exposure, possess the ability to manipulate flame and heat. These manifest as a resistance to fire-related injury, the generation of a flaming aura and the projection of flames within a 20-40 foot radius. The bouyant effects of heat allow her a measure of flight on currents of heated air, tho it is unlikely she would be able to do so in a region where the air is too thin for ignition to take hold. She is trained volcanologist with an extensive knowledge of geology and an above-average hand-to-hand combatant.
Weaknesses and Limitations
Firebrand's flames could be extinguished by traditional methods (water, foam) as well as other forms of energy. Once such occurred, she was an ordinary mortal and could be injured or killed as such. The precise limitations of her flame powers has not been defined.

Prior Earth-0
The history of Firebrand up to 1942 is thought to largely resemble the history of the Earth-Two Firebrand. Additional documentations include her participation with the All-Star Squadron through 1943 as documented by the case of the Young All-Stars (Young All-Stars #1-7).
In this timeline, it is believed that she retired from active crimefighting near the end of World War II and devoted herself to Sir Justin, her husband, and raising Terri Curtis, tho she did so along with Sir Justin vanished along with the Seven Soldiers of Victory when they battled the Nebula Man. At some point not clearly defined, she is believed to have discovered a plot by the Dragon King and when she attempted to intervene, was killed in action. The full details of her death have not been revealed (Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E #12).
Issue |
Comment |
Reprinted in |
1st Appearance as Danette Reilly |
Showcase Presents All-Star Squadron #1 |
As Danette Reilley, vs. Degaton and Wotan, exposed to magic and volcanic gases/heat |
Showcase Presents All-Star Squadron #1 |
Becomes Firebrand |
Showcase Presents All-Star Squadron #1 |
With the All-Star Squadron |
Showcase Presents All-Star Squadron #1 |
With the All-Star Squadron, JSA and JLA vs the Degaton |
Crisis on Multiple Earths Vol. 6 |
With the All-Star Squadron |
With the All-Star Squadron, vs Ultra-Humanite |
Infinity Inc.: The Generations Saga |
With the All-Star Squadron, vs Ultra-Humanite, becomes Terri Curtis godmother |
Infinity Inc.: The Generations Saga |
With the All-Star Squadron |
With the All-Star Squadron during Crisis on Infinite Earths |
Crisis on Infinite Earths Deluxe Companion #1 HC |
Participates in Crisis |
Crisis on Infinite Earths HC, Crisis on Infinite Earths TPB, Absolute Crisis on Infinite Earths |