Ace the Bathound Air Wave Alexander the Great Amazing Man Anti-Electric Aquaman Aquarius Armageddon Atlantis The Atom Azmodus The Baffler The Banshee Baron Blitzkrieg Baron Death The Batman Batwoman Black Barax Black Canary Black Condor Blackjack Black Shark Black Templars Blackwing Blue Lama Blue Snowman The Boa Brain Transplants Brain Wave Brainwave Jr. The Buzzard Caroff, Ivan Catwoman The Cavalier The Changeling The Cheetah Chroma Clayface The Cloud Colonel Future Commander Steel Crillon, Charles Crime Doctor Crimelord Crime Syndicate Crimson Avenger Cuthbert Cain Dan the Dyna-Mite Deadshot Deathbolt Degaton, Per Dmane Dr. Clever Dr. Darkk Dr. Doog Dr. Doombie Dr. Fate Dr. Glisten Dr. Iker Dr. Light Dr. Mid-Nite Dr. Midnight Dr. Poison Dr. Psycho Dr. Ripari Dr. Silence Dr. Togg Duke of Deception Earthworm Evil Star Evil Three The Face The Farads The Faultless Four The Fiddler Firebrand I Firebrand II Firefly The Fishmen of Nyarl-Amen The Fisherman The Flash The Fool Fury The Gadgeteer The Gambler The Ghost Giganta Gorilla Ganty Green Lantern The Harlequin Hastor, Anton Hawkgirl Hawkman Hawk's Monster Hot Shot Hourman I Hourman II Human Fly Bandits The Human Magnet The Hummingbird Huntress I Huntress II Hypnota The Icicle Injustice Society Insect Master Insect Queen Invisible Hood Jade The Jester Joanie Swift Johnny Thunder Johnny Thunder of Earth-One The Joker The Juggler The Jumper Justice Society of America Kangas Karkull, Ian Karnage The Key Killer Moth King Bee Knodar Kulak Kung Lance, Larry Lee, Doris The Liar's Club Liberty Belle The Light Lightning Bug Lionmane Luthor, Alexei Mad Hatter Magno Maldita Toxicohedron Manhunter Martin, Jimmy "Minute Man" Master Summoner The Merman Merry, Girl of 1000 Gimmicks Mineral Master Minister Blizzard Miss America Mimic The Mist Mister America Mister Futile Mister Nitro Mister Paradox Mister Terrific Mister Who Mister Zero The Monocle Moroni, "Killer" The Multiverse Negal Nelson, Inza Neptune Perkins Neon the Unknown Northwind Nuklon Obsidian Octopus Order of the Crimson Crystal Osira The Parrot Peachy Pet Penguin Pike, Phineas Power Girl Prairie Witch The Prankster Professor Gurn Professor Q Professor Radium Professor Zodiak Psycho-Pirate I Psycho-Pirate II Queen Bee Queen Clea Rag Doll Ramulus The Raven The Ray Red Bee Red Domino Red Panzer Red Tornado Red Torpedo Riddler Rival Robin Robot Criminal Robotman Rubberman Sandman Sandy the Golden Boy Sargon the Sorcerer Scarecrow Secret Society of Super Villains The Shade Shathan Shrinking Tech Silver Scarab Simple Simon Sky Pirate Sky Raider Sledgehammer Society of Six Solomon Grundy Spectre Spectrum The Spinner Spirit King Sportsmaster Star Sapphire Starman Star-Spangled Kid Strange, Hugo Stradivous Strike Force The Sun and the Satellites Superman The Talker Tarantula I Tarantula II Tarantula III The Thinker Thor(Villain from Valhalla) The Thorn Tiger-Man Tiger Shark T.N.T. T. O. Morrow The Toyman The Trapper Tsunami The Turtle The Tusk Tweedledee & Tweedledum Two-Face Ultra-Humanite Unsinkable Bandits Vandal Savage Vaux, Frederic The Veil Villainy Inc. Villainesses Vulcan, Son of Fire Vurm White Star White Wizard Wildcat I Wildcat II Clarice Winston Wizard Wonder Woman Wotan Xnon Yellow Wasp Zanadu Zatara Zee, Malachi Zor