WANTED: Earth-Two's Most Dangerous Super-Villains
Vulcan, Son of Fire
Personal information
Character History
Real Name: Christopher Pike
Residence: Mobile
Occupation: Astronaut, Professional Criminal
First Appearance (Post-Golden Age): All-Star Comics #60 (June 1976)
Christopher Pike was born in the United States in the 1950's and grew up a normal American kid, idolizing the Justice Society and dreaming of being an astronaut. After entering the Air Force, he seized on that dream and joined the Vulcan Probe-One program after completing early astronaut training. Designed to be a 200-day expedition near the Sun, the mission went awry when PIke suddenly becomes insane, killing the other crew members as the command module plunges toward the sun. As the Space Program watched, the module collapsed around Pike and reversed course toward Earth. They lost track of him but determined that wherever he emerged would be a threat.
Vulcan made his presence known to the Justice Society by launching a direct attack on their headquarters in Gotham City. initially defeating Power Girl, Wildcat, Flash and the Star-Spangled Kid. After trashing their brownstone, he moved to the roof in time for the arrival of the more powerful members of the JSA - Green Lantern and The Flash. The ensuing battle is fraught with collateral damage and as Green Lantern tries to minimize casualties, Vulcan engages directly with Doctor Fate, mortally injuring him before fleeing the scene.
Piercing the clouds of the overcast day, Vulcan is exposed to direct sunlight and suddenly weakens and falls to the earth, With the arrival of other members of the Justice Society, the battle is re-joined. The sudden arrival of a space craft distract Power Girl, who engages its occupant, an alien named Xlk-jnn. After an initial misunderstanding, Xlk-jnn reveals that it was he that had witness the Vulcan Probe's imminent destruction and rescued Pike but transforming into Vulcan.
As the JSA battles Vulcan to a stand-still, Power Girl arrives with Xlk-jnn and explains that's Vulcan's creation was flawed, leaving him vulnerable to sunlight. Enraged, Vulcan blames the alien for his monstrous form and slays him but the Star-Spangled Kid uses the alien's revelation to focus sunlight on Vulcan via the cosmic rod, seemingly obliterating him (All-Star Comics #60-61).
In reality, Vulcan was simply blown into LImbo where he is discovered later by the Secret Society of Super-Villains when they are summoned into the past by the Ultra-Humanite. There Vulcan becomes an enthusiastic and murderous lackey for Dolores Winters but is defeated alongside the rest of Society by the combined forces of Infinity Inc. and the All-Star Squadron (All-Star Squadron #26, Annual #2).
That last witness of Vulcan was during the Crisis on Infinite Earths and his later activities on Earth-Two are unrecorded.

Powers and Abilities
Vulcan's powers extend from an alien modification of his body after intense exposure to solar radiation. The basis and extent of the modifications are unknown but they are extensive enough that very little human components of Pike's body remained. His new form possessed super-strength, speed and the ability to fly. He could emit intense heat, flame and other forms of solar radiation at an incredible destructive magnitude. He possessed an axe, the origins of which are unclear, which could be used to focus his energy projection as well as serve as an offensive weapons. The upper limits of his abilities are not known but were sufficient to engage Kryptonians directly in combat and critically injure Doctor Fate.
Weaknesses and Limitations
Vulcan's primary known weakness is a exposure to sunlight, which drained his abilities. Whether that weakness persisted past his initial days of creation us unclear. He could be opposed by sufficient similar forces and his mental state reflected constant anger and aggression, often clouding his judgement.

Prior Earth-0
Little is known of the Vulcan in this timeline other than he dos exist in some form and was seen battling Power Girl on at least one occasion (Superman #670).
Issue |
Comments |
Reprinted in |
1st Appearance, vs. Wonder Woman and Dr. Mid-Nite |
Justice Society TPB Vol. 1, Showcase Presents All-Star Comics Vol. 1, All-Star Comics: Only Legends Live Forever |
Discovered in Limbo, joins the Secret Society |
Infinity Inc.: The Generations Saga |
With the Secret Society and the Ultra-Humanite, vs. Infinity Inc. and the All-Star Squadron |
Infinity Inc.: The Generations Saga |