This section provides information on the variation of character interpretations both pre-Crisis and in iterations since Crisis. Focus is on characters defined by their given name (Alan Scott, Jay Garrick, etc.) rather than code name (Green Lantern, Flash). Emphasis is on interpretations where the character had a major role versus a cameo or non-essential story role to minimize clutter.
The Golden Age Hawkman
Prior Earth-0
The history of Hawkman in the Post-Crisis timeline is thought to largely resemble his Earth-Two counterpart, minus obvious interactions up until the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Badly burned by Dr. Phosphorous during the Villain War, he was taken to heal in Feithera.
Afterwards, he attended the memorial ceremony
for the JSAers who had fallen during the Crisis. From there the JSA and
the Halls entered Limbo, where they remained for three years (Last Days
of the JSA #1). While in Limbo, Hastor returned in the reincarnated
form of Jame Rock, an Egyptian woman. Hastor/Rock murdered Hector Hall,
transforming him into the foretold "child without a soul" (Infinity
Inc. #42-44). Hector's spirit then entered the dream world to become
the new Sandman (Infinity Inc. #49-51). When the Halls returned
from Limbo, they learned of Hector's death, and discovered that Lyta Trevor
Hall had disappeared with their grandson. They beseeched the Spectre to
return him, but the Spectre denied them and left them to their grief (Spectre
vol. 3 #21). Hawkman returned to his archaeological work, where he eventually
discovered an ancient tomb containing the sorcerer Kulak (Justice Society
of America #8). Kulak attempted to inspire a cult of hate against the
JSA, but the members defeated him (Justice Society of America #10).
Hawkman remained active with the JSA and he and Shiera (as Hawkgirl)
joined them as they prepared for their assault on Extant. At the critical
moment, however, they were whisked away and then fused with all other incarnations
of Hawkman (Zero Hour #3, Hawkman vol. 3 #13). When
Hawkman was banished to a form of Limbo (Hawkgod's Realm) following the
loss of control of his various incarnations by Neron, apparently the souls
of the Halls became "dislodged". Shiera's soul encountered the suicide
of her neice, Kendra Saunders and as the younger woman's soul departed,
Shiera's took the vacant body. The shift caused a change in eye color noticed
only by Kendra's grandfather, legendary adventurer "Speed" Saunders. Carter's
soul was left in the Hawk-Limbo until the take-over of the planet Thanagar
by Ominar Synn. Depeserate to save their planet, Thangarian rebels kidnapped
Kendra/Shiera and used her soul to attract Carter's to a portal to the
Hawk-Limbo on Thanagar. Carter was again manifested on the Earthly plane
and led the successful rebellion against Synn. This was the first time
however, the Carter and Shayera had not been re-incarnated to return to
mortal life and their relationship was now confused by the fusion of Shiera
and Kendra's memories. Carter also has a new body bearing little resemblence
to the original and strong memories (and assumptions) about his relationship
with Shiera that may or may not bear up to scrutiny (JSA #21-25). The two ultimately pursued different paths before be killed an resurrected during The Blackest Night (Blackest Night LS). They were again resurrected, ultimately become associated with air elementals but their final fate is unknown.

The reincarnated Hawk-character in these timelines is best known as the Sky Tyrant. On this reversed morality world, The Sky Tyrant does not seek resolution in reincarnation but murders as many as he can as he believes that doing so prolongs his resurrection cycle (Hawkman Vol. 5 #17-22). Another version of Hawkman called Hawkwing has been named to this Earth but he has never been seen (Forever Evil #7).
The Hawkman of Earth-21 had by all accounts an essentially identical early history to his Earth-Two counterpart. Nothing is known of his later career after the dissolution of the JSA in 1951 (DC: The New Frontier LS).
The history of the Hawkman of Earth-22 is largely similar to that of Earth-0. By the 1950's, he is deep into Egyptian mythology, affected his appearance in his civilian life. He is present at the ultimate battle with the Ultra-Humanite and Dyna-Man and is thought to have survived. (The Golden Age LS). The fate of Carter Hall after the 1950's is not clear. In the mid-21st century, a more feral version of Hawkman appeared, incorporated elements of several characteristics of Hawk God Mythologies. While it is generally believed to be a reincarnation of prior Hawk forms, the exact relationship to Carter Hall is unclear. He is killed at the apocalyptic battle at the Gulag in Kansas so it may never be known (Kingdom Come LS).