Profile image by Alex Garcia (Pen and inks) and David Stepp (Colors)
The history of Earth-50 is thought to be largely similar to that of Earth-12, in which Superman arrived in Earth in the 1970s and adopted the identity of Superman near the end of the 20th Century. Along with Batman, Wonder Woman and other heroes of this world, he formed a premier super-team analogous to the Justice League of other worlds. Whether other heroes existed in this timeline prior to this us unknown.
These heroes are viewed as paragons of justice until the early 21st century with Lex Luthor was elected President of the United States. When a power scheme to conquer the world goes awry, Luthor goes rogue, ultimately killing The Flash. The rest cornered Luthor in the White House and with war imminent and flush hot with vengeance, Superman allowed himself to be goaded by Luthor;s taunts that why he committed horrendous atrocities, he was confident that Superman's moral code against killing would let him fight another day. In a fatal miscalculation, Luthor's braggadocio provoked a mental change in Superman, who executed him on the spot. When Batman and Wonder Woman arriving shortly thereafter, Superman declared that new tactics were needed. Whether the team was so-named all along or adopted the name in light of the new roles, they began to live up their name going forward - The Justice Lords.
For the next two years, the Justice Lords subdued most of the United States. A police state is created and major adversaries lobotomized or destroyed outright. Arkham Asylum was converted into a hospital, with the lobotomized Joker, Two-Face and Poison Ivy acting as low-level staff. Lois Lane is kept as a political prisoner in her apartment in Metropolis. In 2003, The Batman of Earth-50 stumbles across Earth-12 using trans-dimensional observation. Sharing his findings with the Justice Lords, they observed that the more liberal laws of Earth-12 were reminiscent of their early days concluding these heroes and had not learned the better way and resolved to intervene. They travel to Earth-12 and lure the Justice League back to Earth-50 where they are quickly subdued. The Justice Lords minus Lord Batman then begin a campaign to impose their own form of justice on Earth-12. When Doomsday arrives on Earth-12, he is lobotomized by Lord Superman, t earning the cheers of the bystanders.
Meanwhile on Earth-50, Flash fakes his death, gambling that the Lord Batman will be vulnerable after losing the Flash of Earth-50. When Lord Batman seeks to intervene, the Flash subdues him and frees the Justice League. While they rescue Hawkgirl who was injured in the initial capture, Batman seeks a way to return to Earth-12. In the Batcave, Batman is confronted by his Earth-50 counterpart and appears to surrender. As the two Batman pursue the Justice Leaguers, they drive through the police state created by the Justice Lords and the Batman of Earth-12 comments that he expect his parents would have been proud to live in the world Lord Batman had created. This comment breaks Lord Batman's will and he turns allegiances, helping the Justice League return to Earth-12 where, with the assistance of Lex Luthor, they use a power neutralizer to defeat the Justice Lords and return them to Earth-50 (Justice League Animated: A Better World).
Trusting in Lord Batman and lacking the authority to otherwise, the Justice Lords were set free on Earth-50. The Justice League of Earth-12 may periodic checks over the first decade with decreasing frequency as peace appeared to settle into Earth-50. At one point, a gloating Luthor of Earth-12 shared that the power neutralizer had not been designed to be permanent and eventually the Justice Lords powers would return. Alarmed by this, the Justice League attempted to reach Earth-50 but found the dimension sealed off. After years of trying, the finally managed to break through to find a world at war. With their powers restored Lord Superman and Lady Wonder Woman started a war with Lord Batman that had been devastating. The Wonder Woman of Earth-12, attracted to Lord Batman and feeling guilty for advocating the return of the Justice Lords to their world was particularly impacted. The Justice League aided Lord Batman but when Mongul use their absence to attack Earth, they returned home and Diana remained behind. They then sealed the barrier lest the war on Earth-50 spill over onto Earth-12.
The war remained essentially a stalemate - Lord Superman and Lady Wonder Woman on one side, Lord Batman and Diana of Earth-12 on the other. The remaining original members of the Earth Lords became disgusted with the constant war and left Earth. As the conflict became more destructive, King Arthur of Atlantis rose from the depths of the sea. Having never adopted the identity of Aquaman, Arthur had no relationship to the Justice Lords and informed them if their war did not cease, he would flood the surface world and end it himself. The two forces resolved to have a final battle, ultimately with devastating results. Batman had developed an artificial kryptonite and while Wonder Woman set out to hold him off, he and Lady Wonder Woman staged a battle with her disguised as the Diana as Earth-12. As Lord Batman and Diana had become lovers, he dropped his guard when say Superman smash her into the ground but when he rushed to assist, she revealed herself to be Lady Wonder Woman in disguise and broke his neck, killing him. As Lord Superman taunted Diana, she realized she had been had and fled to save Lord Batman. Arriving too late, she murders Lady Wonder Woman in her revenge.
Realizing the war was down to only them and mindful of Aquaman's threat, Diana and Lord Superman resolved to end the war by a marriage of state. While the two loathed each other, the union brought a form of peace to Earth-50. Much of Superman's culture remained as much of Earth-50's populace sought it. Wonder Woman became an effective partner, imposing death penalties on Kobra, Starro, Darkseid and any other threat that could not resolved with lobotomy. Realize their cold marriage of state was not sufficient to hold their governance of Earth-50, the resolved to conceive an heir. To filled with hate for normal procreation, the each donated genetic material to conceive in vitro. A son was formed and before he could come to full maturity, the Brainiac of Earth-50 attacked and kidnapped their son as hostage for his conquest of Earth, leaving with the Jax-Ur of Earth-12 in the Phantom Zone. Unmoved by his threats, Diana and Lord Superman destroyed Brainiac utterly. Years passed with the parents never forgetting the son they sought to stabiilize their rule.
In the mid-21st century, Brainiac attacked Earth-12 and in so doing, opened a portal with Earth-5o that allowed Diana to escape back to Earth--12. She aided the Justice League in defeating Brainiac but not being able to distinguish between her and Lady Wonder Woman, the Superman and former Batman Bruce Wayne were suspicious as to which Diana she actually was. Superman arranged a transdimensional crossing of the current Batman Terry McGinnis to Earth-50 make contact with Lord Batman and determine which Wonder Woman it was. Batman arrives to find Lord Batman dead and his own counterpart a delinquent member of the Jokerz. Lord Superman meanwhile has used the renewed contact between worlds to bring the next generation of Justice Lords - including Lord Warhawk, Lady Flash, White Adam and Curare among others -to Earth-12. They subdue the younger members of the Justice League and realizing Batman is on Earth-50, Lord Superman returns to deal with him.
In the interim, Batman and Terry McGinnis have discovered the Bat-Cave beneath Wayne Manor and the technology Lord Batman has been developed. A new battle suit is found and as Batman dons it to rescue his counterpart from the Jokerz, they are interrupted by the arrival of Gotham police lead by Richard Grayson and Lord Superman. Lord Superman appears to execute Batman and returns to Earth-12 to find his wife.
In reality, the suit has illusion capacity allowed McGinnis to fake his death and he returns to Earth-12. Arriving as Lord Superman and Wonder Woman battle, he reveals that the new battlesuit is kryptonite powered, allowing him to defeat Lord Superman in combat. His powers removed, Lord Superman is banished to the Phantom Zone and the younger Justice Lords return to restore order to their world, request that Wonder Woman not accompany them, that they may have clean start. Batman gives the suit to his counterpart and remains in contact going forward. Lord Superman is last seen in the Phantom Zone, where he encounters Jax-Ur and plots revenge (Batman Beyond Universe #9-12).
The current fate of Earth-50 is unknown.

Multiversal Index
Balance of Good and Evil
As far as is known, the balance of good and evil for most of this Earth's history has been largely balanced and most similar to Earth-12. However, in the early 21st century, the murder of the Flash by Lex Luthor became a catalyst for a sharp decline in it's fate with evil acts - tyranny, dictatorship, oppression and loss of freedom - becoming the dominant probability in this timeline.
Abundance of Magic
The abundance of magic in this timeline is similar to the phenotype on many Earths - Earth-0, Earth-12, Earth-One and Earth-Two - in that extensive magical properties existed in races, practices and items found through this planet. Magic was not the dominant character of most denizens however and generally reflected a few individuals with high levels of magical ability rather than general magical nature.
Arrival of Heroes
The history of this world prior to the 21st century is unrecorded. The first known emergence of super-powered individuals occurs with arrival of Superman and the birth of Wonder Woman in the very late 20th century. Whether analogues of earlier heroes such as the Justice Society that existed on Earth-12 has not been determined.
Notable Recorded Cases
Issue |
Notes |
Reprints |
Justice League Unlimited (Animated) |
Origins and First appearance |
(video only) |
Batman Beyond Universe #9-12 |
Extended history revealed, D: Lord Batman and Lady Wonder Woman |
Batman Beyond 2.0: Justice Lords Beyond |