Profile image by Alex Garcia (Pen and inks) and David Stepp (Colors)
The history of Earth-40 prior to 194o is largely unknown. Vandal Savage
is known to existed for millennia in this timeline, much as he has in
others, but the details of his history are unexplored. In the 19th century or perhaps earlier, an organization known as Skeleton began to operate globally, dealing with unusual existential threats. The operating through a series of agents known as the Whistling Skulls. Seven Whistling Skulls are known to have acted in the behalf of Skeleton, most of whom have never been identified. Skeleton employed a number of unusual operatives and had access to technology and materials far advanced from what was generally known. The 6th Skull was John Singleton, who assumed the role in 1918 operating during World War I up until 1940, when he was believed killed on a case in Japan.
In London in 1925, a boy name William Massey met Nigel Singleton, son of the 6th Skull and started a series of events that led him to assuming the role himself. Over the next 15 years, the 6th Skull watched Massey grow and was impressed with his physical agility and cunning as a paper boy and low level bandit of apple carts and grocers. Overtime, Massey became more systematic, organizing paper boys under his leadership and become more affluent and reputable. He also maintained his friendship with Nigel Singleton, a simple-minded youth with physical strength bordering on the super-human. Concerned for his son, John Singleton providing him with a lotion that hardened his skin, protecting him from physical injury and the effects of his own strength. At Singleton's direction, Massey was groomed to the 7th Skull should he ever be needed.
In 1940, Skeleton worked with the Justice Society on a case in Japan involving giant robots of incredible power. In a pitched battle, the 6th Skull along with The Clock, the Owl and the Cat were overwhelmed, resulting in the deaths of the Cat and presumably the 6th Skull. Massey was offered and accepted the role of the 7th Skull and Nigel adopted the identity of "Knuckles", the Skull's sidekick and Man Friday.
The first case on the new Skull occurred in Switzerland, where a remote village had experienced a series of bizarre disappearances. Upon investigation, The Skull and Knuckles discovered that the villagers had been harvested by Klaus Hellman, a Nazi scientist attempting to create monsters in the service of the Reich. Most of his experiments failed, leading him to be cast out of Berlin but enough succeeded to create a Karneval of freaks and monstrosities that he used as a cover for his operations. After some initial setbacks, the Whistling Skull, Knuckles and the townspeople turned the tide and Hellman was captured. Massey and Singleton returned to their civilian identities in London where the met with Clock and Owl, who restored some of the equipment they had lost in Switzerland and implied an offer, presumably membership in the Society. Hellman was intercepted by the Nazis though his fate is unknown and the further adventures of the 7th Whistling Skull, including the potential survival of the 6th, have not bee recorded.(Liberty Files: The Whistling Skull LS).
At some point in ~1930's, the Justice Society formed under yet-to-be-revealed circumstances. Early members, who referred to themselves as agents, include Wesley (Sandman ) Dodds and Terry (Mr. Terrific) Sloan who retired from service in the early 1940's). In 1940, members included the Ted (The Cat) Grant, Rex (The Clock) Tyler and Charles (The Owl) McNider. These three, sometimes referring to as The Unholy Three, were involved in the aforementioned case in Japan in which the Cat was killed. The organization of the Society is not entirely clear and they have referred to themselves as loosely self-organized but also seem to be directed by external agencies, possibly the military. In 1944, they were engaged in pursuit of a Nazi plot involving an unknown, highly advanced technological advantage. Thought to be an aircraft that could elude detection, the key to the plans were intercepted by a psychopathic smuggler named Jack the Grin, a longtime adversary of a vigilante known as The Bat. The military direct the JSA to work with the Bat to track Jack, which they did in Egypt. Catching up with Jack, they engage in a battle in which the Owl was badly wounded but recovered intel leading them to believe that the weapon was actually the fabled German "Ubermensch" or Super-Man. The next steps, they learn, lead them to Europe.
In Switzerland, the Bat, Clock and Owl are stalked by a Nazi "cleaner" known as the Scarecrow who had some history with The Bat. The Scarecrow murders their contact agent and The Owl before making an escape. In the firefight, a stray shot killed Eva, the fiancee of Terry Sloan, who in vengeance resumes the identity of Mr. Terrific. The agents and Scarecrow battle on a train to Berlin before a grenade is crammed into the cleaners rib cage and he dies in the resultant explosion. Arriving in Berlin, the meet an American agent named Dick Grayson who tells them Hitler and the weapon are in route to Egypt and El-Alamein. In a dash of mad desperation, the Batman uses glider wings to sail in the battle at an ultimate moment, engaged the flying ubermensch and inviting him to touch his mind, Doing so revealed the weapon as an alien, the Martian J'onn Jon'zz who, realizing he had been deceived, turned his wrath upon the assembled Nazi forces. Within 4 minutes, the Axis had been decimated and Hitler was dead, spelling the end of the World War II on Earth-40. Meanwhile, the United States had it's on Super-Man waiting in the wings but the Nazi defeat kept him unseen for the moment. Batman returned to Gotham and the fate of the Martian in this timeline is unrevealed (JSA: The Liberty Files LS).
The events on Earth-40 for the next few years are unrecorded. By 1948, the Super-Man had been developed into an agent in his own right with a private identity, Clark Kent. The U.S. Government became aware of Soviet plans to develop nuclear weapons, something the United States was lagging behind in this timeline. They further learned that two former KGB agents, Steelwolf and the Parasite were behind a series of agents deaths - Sandy Hawkins, Sylverster Pemberton and Johhny Thunder - in Berlin. The agents were charged to work with Kent, investigate the agents deaths, stop additional deaths and determine how any of this led back to a weapon known as "the Trigger". All three traveled to Berlin and after finding Steelwolf dead, engaged in a battle with the Parasite. In a moment of wrath or panic, Super-Man crushed the Parasite to death with a church steeple right as the murderer informed that agents that they knew not with whom they had partnered. Later that evening, Kent slips away from the group to have a sexual encounter with Shiera Saunders. He revealed his true name as Zod and reveals his history as a sociopathic Kryptonian criminal before murdering her.
The agents are contacted by legendary agent Wesley Dodds, one of the first in this timeline. He along with the Lantern have additional information about the local of "The Trigger". Before Wayne and Tyler can reach them, Kent disguises himself and meet them in their hotel room. Realizing the power of the Lantern's ring, he cauterizes his hand with his heat vision before killing him. He obtains enough of a clue about the location of the weapon - Chernobyl, Russia - before Dodds can fully destroy the information. Dodds escapes to warn the others but Zod is already en route to Russia. The Bat summons every active agent for an apocalyptic showdown with Zod. The Kryptonian encounters the Star, who he managed to subdue before the rest arrive. In the ensuing battle, the Atom and Hawk are killed and the rest can do no more than slow Zod down. The Bat orders Mercury to return to the U.S. to fetch Terry Sloan who had been working at Tyler's company to duplicate Zod's powers. When they return, The Bat takes the untried formula, giving him enormous, albeit unstable, powers and they subdue Zod and bind him to the Trigger. The collective heroes the use it to send Zod into space, where it explodes, presumably killing him. The Bat collapses in a death-like coma but eventually recovers and with Sloan and Tyler, decided to reform a new Unholy Three (JSA Liberty Files: The Unholy Three LS).
The history of Earth-40 after 1948 is not well-established. In one documentation, The Bat was kidnapped by Monarch to participate in the Arena event in which he is killed and transformed into a vampire by the Batman of Earth-43. Whether this event survived variation iterations of multiversal crisis is unclear (Arena LS). At the some point in the second half of the 20th century, it appears that forces loyal to Vandal Savage became dominant and he and his Society of Super-Villains conquered Earth-40. Whether he is responsible for the demise of the JSA in this timeline is unclear. He eventually pulled Earth-40 into a 5 year multiversal war with Earth-20, which ended with Savage's death (Multiversity: The Society of Super-Heroes). What became of Earth-40 since that time is unknown.

Multiversal Index
Balance of Good and Evil
The balance of good and evil drifted over the lifetime of this world. While in the earliest records of this timeline, victory favored justice (albeit often at high costs), later times suggest that the pendulum swung toward evil and by the turn of the millennium, events were corrupted by the rise of Vandal Savage and his Society of Super-Villains. The forces overrun Earth-40, eventually launching into a protracted war with Earth-20
Abundance of Magic
The abundance of magic in this timeline is unclear but is not routinely observed. Certain artifacts or entities known to be magical in nature in other timelines - The Lantern's ring, Johnny Thunder's Thunderbolt - are referred to but not seen. If these are magical vs. scientifically based on Earth-40 is not established and unambigiously magic uses such as the Spectre or Dr. Fate have not been documented as existent on Earth-40.
Arrival of Heroes
Little is known of this world before the 20th century. Costumed agents were known to be active as early as 1940 and had apparently be active for sometime before that. It can be concluded as far as is known that these individuals were active at the latest in the 1930's. Whether they had predecessors is unknown.
Notable Recorded Cases
Issue |
Comment |
Reprinted in |
JSA: Liberty Files- The Whispering Skull |
Set in 1940, The Cat is killed, the organization of Skeleton is revealed |
JSA Liberty Files: The Whispering Skull TPB |
Set on 1944, The Martian Manhunter arrives on Earth, The Bat joins the JSA, Super-Man’s existence is revealed, The Owl is killed |
JSA: The Liberty Files TPB |
JSA: The Liberty Files – The Unholy Three |
Set in 1948, Super-Man revealed to be Zod and betrays the Society, killing several members before being killed himself. |
JSA: The Liberty Files TPB |
Unknown time frame, possible apocryphal, The Bat killed by the Batman of Earth-43 and becomes a vampire |
Countdown: Arena TPB |
Unknown time frame, Vandal Savage has conquered Earth-40 and leads it to war with Earth-20 |
The Multiversity (2014): Deluxe Edition